As a member of regional society, Daido participates in community activities such as traffic safety campaigns and local industrial promotion.

We invite local residents to our campus – stroll roads, a creek with fish and fireflies, an orchard, and flower beds … all built as our original activity for the wellness of our employees and local community.

Stroll road

Stroll road near the boundary

The Hotaru (firefly) creek

Local kindergartners were invited for the release of firefly larva into the creek.

Firefly appreciation by the employees, families and local residents.

The orchard

10 species, 62 fruit trees are planted in the orchard (700m2). A rather rare sight of apples (usually in cold climate) and mandarin oranges (usually in warm climate) growing in the same ground.

Pomegranate tree

Mandarin orange and apple trees

Flower beds

Flower beds around the factory

Employees enjoying flowers each season

“Eco-Cap” activity

Every 8,000 plastic bottle caps collected will contribute to 10 vials of vaccines for children in developing countries.

Employees’ family and friends are also participating in the “Eco-Cap”.

Clean campaign

Maintenance of crosswalks
